It took forever yesterday, waiting for the call that I could pick up Oscar. Especially after the doctor called and said he needed to let me know that there was a small chance that Oscar could bleed to death from the needle biopsy. When the phone rang I gulped, closed my eyes and answered the phone, trying to measure the tone of the doctor’s voice before he said I could pick Oscar up.
- Oscar rests comfortably following his procedure yesterday. You can see the bruised skin on his belly from the biopsy, and his wrinkly old man skin too!
When I got there, the doctor was cradling Oscar in his arms, and Oscar was purring. The doctor said he wanted to take Oscar home because he’s such a good boy (he says that to all the moms, doesn’t he!?). But it’s true. They said Oscar was so good during the entire procedure that they didn’t even have to sedate him! Poor little guy got a needle in the gut a couple times. What a trooper.
- Charlie yesterday, watching over “his” livingroom.
The pathology report on the biopsy should be back by Tuesday. Unfortunately, they only biopsied the mass and not the liver. So we won’t know what kind of liver disease this is. I understand, the vet said we are more worried about the mass at this point, but still! I have a copy of his blood work and all his liver values are high, but not “critical” according to the chart.
I’ve been putting a little bit of milk thistle into Oscar’s food, and some salmon oil for the omega-3 as well. Milk Thistle is a natural herb that is supposed to heal damaged liver cells. The vet also recommended SAM-e, which I bought and will try to put some in his food as well.
Charlie did not miss Oscar. He loved having the heated bed all to himself!
I put your donations to good use yesterday when I picked Oscar up, thank you all so much!!!
oh.. cute cat…